How to manually compile libavg git master on Mac OS X using the homebrew package manager.
Homebrew is probably the most nerd friendly package manager for os x but out of the box not suited for building libavg, therefore I proudly present the following ...
detailed build instructions (mostly for 10.6, for 10.5 see below) partially written from memory
YMMV ...
Basic Homebrew stuff¶
- Install XCode >= 3.2.2
- Symlink /usr/lib/libiconv* to /usr/local/lib (This solves many headaches...)
- Install homebrew
- I suggest to have at least: brew install git berkeley-db binutils coreutils readline gettext getopt pkg-config
- brew install all dependencies as detailed on avg wiki (I added a few transitive dependencies below)
- brew install libogg libvorbis pango libpng libtiff icu4c libxml2 jasper jam ffmpeg sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_net sdl_sound sdl_ttf fontconfig expat freetype
- brew link fontconfig
- You need this for AVG but watch out it might interact with os x' fontconfig
- Three packages require some more work
- brew edit boost s.t. the is called with --python-version=2.6
- brew install boost
- brew edit graphicsmagick s.t. graphicsmagick++ does not get disabled in the build
- brew install graphicsmagick
- for camera support, install dc1394 2.0 manually
- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/dc1394/Version
- make && make install && brew link dc1394
Build and Install¶
- Clone HEAD of avg git master and export AVG_PATH = toplevel checkout dir
- Set up build environment
- export BOOST_PYTHON_LIB="-L/usr/local/lib -lboost_python-mt"
- export MAGICK_CFLAGS=$(pkg-config --cflags GraphicsMagick?++)
- export MAGICK_LIBS=$(pkg-config --libs GraphicsMagick?++)
- export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib
- export CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include
- export LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib
- Configure step is as described in the wiki except for requiring
- aclocal -I m4 -I /usr/local/share/m4 (due to SDL from /usr/local)
- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/libavg/libavg
- make && make install
- brew link libavg
- export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/libavg
- I find this setting weird, but works
- make check
- Multimedia, YAY!
- If you hit libJPEG library dyld fuckup, try
- export DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices?.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJPEG.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
- This is how it's like to be on a mac
- export VIDEOCHOOSER_VIDEO_DIR=$AVG_PATH/avg_media/scanner/medien/movies/
- export AVG_DEPLOY=1 for full screen mode
Mac OS X 10.5¶
- Use latest XCode 3.1.X
- Get Python 2.6 from, otherwise you won't get a working version of boost
- There was an issue with ffmpeg headers:
- Add #include <stdint.h> to /usr/local/inclue/libavutil/common.h
- You need additional compile flags which I forgot. Will add later.
Wave Version¶
I keep this around as a public google wave