{ "builders": { "i386-win-full": { "builds": { "3035": { "builderName": "i386-win-full", "logs": [ [ "stdio", "https://www.libavg.de/bb/builders/i386-win-full/builds/3035/steps/git/logs/stdio" ], [ "stdio", "https://www.libavg.de/bb/builders/i386-win-full/builds/3035/steps/shell/logs/stdio" ], [ "stdio", "https://www.libavg.de/bb/builders/i386-win-full/builds/3035/steps/shell_1/logs/stdio" ], [ "stdio", "https://www.libavg.de/bb/builders/i386-win-full/builds/3035/steps/shell_2/logs/stdio" ], [ "tests summary", "https://www.libavg.de/bb/builders/i386-win-full/builds/3035/steps/shell_2/logs/tests%20summary" ] ], "number": 3035, "properties": [ [ "branch", "master", "Build" ], [ "builddir", "C:\\devel\\buildbot\\fakefull", "slave" ], [ "buildername", "i386-win-full", "Builder" ], [ "buildnumber", 3035, "Build" ], [ "codebase", "", "Build" ], [ "got_revision", "4435fdd2bafbabb9c768b0f53dd28859840339ba", "GitStep" ], [ "project", "", "Build" ], [ "repository", "", "Build" ], [ "revision", null, "Build" ], [ "scheduler", "nightly", "Scheduler" ], [ "slavename", "libavg-i386-win", "BuildSlave" ], [ "workdir", "C:\\devel\\buildbot\\fakefull", "slave (deprecated)" ] ], "reason": "The Nightly scheduler named 'nightly' triggered this build", "slave": "libavg-i386-win", "sourceStamps": [ { "branch": "master" } ], "steps": [ { "isFinished": true, "isStarted": true, "logs": [ [ "stdio", "https://www.libavg.de/bb/builders/i386-win-full/builds/3035/steps/git/logs/stdio" ] ], "name": "git", "text": [ "update", "Branch: master" ], "times": [ 1522022400.246286, 1522022427.878705 ] }, { "isFinished": true, "isStarted": true, "logs": [ [ "stdio", "https://www.libavg.de/bb/builders/i386-win-full/builds/3035/steps/shell/logs/stdio" ] ], "name": "shell", "step_number": 1, "text": [ "'clean.bat'" ], "times": [ 1522022427.882064, 1522022428.566618 ] }, { "isFinished": true, "isStarted": true, "logs": [ [ "stdio", "https://www.libavg.de/bb/builders/i386-win-full/builds/3035/steps/shell_1/logs/stdio" ] ], "name": "shell_1", "step_number": 2, "text": [ "'build_full.bat'" ], "times": [ 1522022428.572141, 1522023040.653301 ] }, { "isFinished": true, "isStarted": true, "logs": [ [ "stdio", "https://www.libavg.de/bb/builders/i386-win-full/builds/3035/steps/shell_2/logs/stdio" ], [ "tests summary", "https://www.libavg.de/bb/builders/i386-win-full/builds/3035/steps/shell_2/logs/tests%20summary" ] ], "name": "shell_2", "step_number": 3, "text": [ "Unit Tests", "tests failed: 0", "tests passed: 7" ], "times": [ 1522023040.653791, 1522023058.860679 ] } ], "text": [ "build", "successful" ], "times": [ 1522022400.246194, 1522023058.871964 ] } } } }, "project": { "buildbotURL": "https://www.libavg.de/bb/", "title": "libavg", "titleURL": "https://www.libavg.de/" }, "slaves": { "libavg-i386-win": { "admin": "Your Name Here \n", "builders": { "i386-win-full": [ 3035, 3034, 3033, 3032, 3031, 3030, 3029, 3028, 3027, 3026, 3025, 3024, 3023 ], "i386-win-incr": [ 3397, 3396, 3395, 3394, 3393, 3392, 3391, 3390, 3389, 3388, 3387, 3386, 3385 ] }, "host": "Please put a description of this build host here\n", "info": { "admin": "Your Name Here \n", "host": "Please put a description of this build host here\n", "version": "0.8.8" }, "name": "libavg-i386-win", "version": "0.8.8" } } }